It's time to shag dance at The Davenport again. The Out of Towners are back on the schedule. The dance will be next Friday, February 6th. We look forward to seeing everyone again!For more information on the Out of Towners, visit their website @ http://www.outoftownersband.com/ WHAT: Shaggin’ at the DavenportHOW MUCH: $10 per person, table reservations encouragedWHERE: The Davenport in downtown Greer, SCADDRESS: 230 Trade St., Greer, SC WHEN: Friday, February 6th7:00 to 7:45 - Basic Shag Lessons 8:00 - The band starts playing and everyone starts dancing.FOOD!!!: We're working with a couple of the downtown restaurants to delivery food to The Davenport. These menus will be available at each table, and orders can be placed at the bar. Orders will be called in to the restaurant of your choice, and food will be delivered to your table.DRINKS: There will be a cash bar open until midnight, featuring domestic & import beers, and wine. Sodas and bottle water are also available at the bar. Complimentary bar snacks (pretzels, etc…) are available through out the night. For a full meal, we recommend one of the many fine restaurants in downtown Greer (see below). You can have dinner before, or even dance for a while, leave for dinner, and return (no charge for re-entry). WEB ADDRESS: http://www.greershag.com/ PHONE: 864-848-7212 TABLE RESERVATIONS & BIRTHDAYSIf you have a party of 6 or more, give us a call and we'll reserve a table for your group. Also, if someone in your party is celebrating a birthday, let us know and we'll be sure to get them a special song from the band. Feel free to bring cake for your group as well. RESTAURANTSCafe Rivera www.caferivera.net ($9-$20/person)117 E. Poinsett St., Greer, SC 29650 - (864) 877-9600 Bin 112 www.bin112.com ($10-$35/person)112 Trade St., Greer, SC 29651 - (864) 848-2112 Bullpen Sports Grill ($7-$15/person)213 Trade St., Greer, SC 29651 - (864) 877-1051 Justin's Steak House - www.justinssteakhouse.com ($25-$50/person)109 Trade St, Greer, SC 29651 - (864) 801-8884 Great Bay Oyster House - www.thegreatbayoysterhouse.com ($10-$15/person)109 E Poinsett St, Greer, 29651 - (864) 879-1030 See you next Friday! Scott & Lindsay Stevens